Say goodbye to Bank Deposits & Credit Terms

Say Hello To Frictionless Payments

Send One-Click Payments Directly To Customers

Boost your payments

We provide a simple way to request and secure payments on existing unpaid orders. Once an order is ready, you can generate a payment link, send it to a customer and process the sale automatically, with one small click. Set your invoice processing to escape velocity; try DispatchPay today.

Defy Gravity

Frictionless From Start To Finish

Create An Order Through Your ERP or Your Online Store

Our app will detect unpaid orders, and readies an invoice email with a secure payment link. Monitor and configure the format, send trigger and payment methods through our easy-to-use control panel.

Instantly Deliver It To Your Customer By Email or SMS

A secure payment link will be delivered right to the customer’s inbox just as the order is created. If they ignore it, follow-up invoices can be sent to remind customers about the unpaid order.

Customers Pay Immediately; No Log In

Your customer will be delivered straight to a payment gateway, allowing them to purchase the order in full. The order’s status will be updated automatically, and a receipt will be generated and sent to the customer to confirm that their payment was successful.

Improve Your On & Offline Conversion Rates

Out-of-This World Benefits

  • No More Follow Up Emails or Overdue Phone Calls

  • Get Paid in Minutes Instead of Weeks

  • Securely Pay Off Invoices Automatically

  • Allow Customers to pay against their online account without having to log in

  • Process all your orders through your storefront

  • Receipts and Invoices Auto-Generated

  • Monitor all your payments in one location

  • No Need to Record Credit Terms or Register Deposits

We Work With Platforms of All Shapes and Sizes

Put your Payments in Powered Ascent

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